Brochure Websites Static websites for small to medium businesses

What's a brochure website?

In the days before the Internet, we used the print, radio, and television media to spread the word about our businesses. Now we can cast a large net, reaching literally millions of people all over the world with just one website. With your online brochure or catalog, you can show anyone who looks for and finds your website, photos and descriptions of your products or services. To some this may sound like an E-commerce Website, but there are many businesses that deal in products or services that are not sellable over the web—think hair-stylist, dentist, or day-care center.

Brochure web sites are ideal for small web sites where the information in the brochure won't change very often, just like a print brochure. For larger websites, or if the content of the website is likely to change often then we would recommend a CMS website (Content Managed System) where you can add or remove pages and content, photos, videos etc.

The main advantage of a brochure website is control over the design. Unlike CMS websites where the design of the website is based on a page template, brochure websites offer control over the design on each page.

All Websmiths web sites are responsive, which means that they react to the size of the screen on the device on which they are viewed.

Brochure Web Site Design from Websmiths

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